We had the most amazing time on our trip to Yosemite! It truly is one of the most beautiful and amazing places on earth! We cannot wait to go back. We had the best time visiting with family, bike riding, hiking, floating the river, seeing the sights, watching programs, and so much more. It was a wonderful vacation and we did not want to leave! Here are just a few pictures of what we saw and did.
We did a ton of hiking around Yosemite. We took the kids on some of the easier ones, like to Yosemite Falls. There was one day mom stayed with them though so Bryan and I could hike up to Vernal Falls. It was a very tough hike, but so worth it. The hike to the bottom of the falls wasn't too bad, but then you had to go up hundreds of rock "stairs" to get to the top. Going down was actually harder then going up, or at least scarier! What a gorgeous view from up top though. And it was such a cool feeling to stand there at the top of the falls looking down!
We rode our bikes everywhere! We rode all over the valley, to the fancy hotel, to some indian caves, and pretty much anywhere else we could go. There was only one day the whole week that we actually drove in our van. It was great. Bryan pulled the kids in our bike trailer and they did really well. Although, Brady did not like it when Rayna fell asleep on him. He kept yelling at her and even pulled her hair out of her pigtail. She must have been really tired though because it didn't wake her up.
We saw so much wildlife in Yosemite! We had ground squirrels all over camp, living under our porches. The kids thought that was great! We saw two raccoons, a ton of deer, eight bears, and two bobcats. Unfortunately we didn't get pictures of all of them. These are the best ones of the bears and some deer.
Here are a few pictures of some of our family that came with us. We shared a cabin with my mom and then my sister and her family had the other half. My aunt and uncle and a bunch of my cousins came too, along with some family friends. It was great getting to see everyone!
Rayna and Brady had so much fun with Joshua, Blake, and Drew. Rayna did not want to leave Drew's side ever and even Brady was constantly saying Drew's name. It was so cute. The boys were so great with the little ones and they all had a terrific time.
Brady just thought he was one of the big kids on the trip. He played in the dirt, climbed rocks and had the best time with the sticks. He really did great and even slept really well for us! We were very thankful for that!
Rayna had the best time on our trip. She had so much fun playing in the dirt, on the rocks, and with the sticks. She also got to do a story/activity time for Little Rangers. She loved it! One night she learned about the legend of the two bears (which is now El Capitan) and about granite rocks and the second night they learned about bats. She also got to have ice cream every night which she thought was a great treat!